Explore Milwaukee with us! Whether it’s on foot, by bike or bus, learn and discover with Historic Milwaukee.
Click to view our many tour offering below. Questions? Contact Historic Milwaukee at 414-277-7795.
Thrillist Milwaukee included us on their 40 Things to do in Milwaukee for $10 or less. How cool is that?
“On May 9, I took the Skywaukee walking tour. I enjoyed it very much and look forward to attending more in the future. I had never done one before. I appreciated the guide’s knowledge, enthusiasm, and pride in his city. He spoke clearly and audibly in public places. He could answer questions and suggest resources for further study. We covered just enough ground in the time allotted. I was happily tired when we finished. Gary is a credit to your volunteer staff; I hope others are just as good.”
Lou Ann from Green Bay, Wis.