Week of Tours and Events
Yankee Hill Walking Tour
Yankee Hill Walking Tour
Welcome to Yankee Hill! The neighborhood is bounded by Wisconsin Avenue on the south, Ogden Street on the north, Water Street on the west and Prospect Avenue on the east. This choice, pioneer location on a bluff, high above the surrounding swamp land and open to the cooling breezes off Lake Michigan, saw its period of growth…
Virtual Book Talk: Milwaukee in Stone & Clay with author, Raymond Wiggers
Virtual Book Talk: Milwaukee in Stone & Clay with author, Raymond Wiggers
Historic Milwaukee is pleased to co-host this virtual book talk with Boswell Books featuring Milwaukee in Stone and Clay: A Guide to the Cream City's Architectural Geology with author, Raymond Wiggers. The recording of the Zoom lecture will be available for seven days following the event. About the Book Milwaukee in Stone and Clay follows…