Building Description
The Grohmann Museum at the Milwaukee School of Engineering houses an art collection dedicated to the evolution of human work. The collection is comprised of more than 1,900 paintings, sculptures, and works on paper from 1580 to the present. They reflect a variety of artistic styles and subjects that document the evolution of organized work—from farming and mining to trades as glassblowing and seaweed gathering.
The renovated, three-story, 38,000-square-foot concrete structure was built in 1924 as an automobile dealership that for many years was called Metropolitan Cadillac, owned by Glenn Humphrey. In more recent times, the Federal Reserve Bank occupied the building until it ceased operation there in 2004.
1000 N Broadway
Saturday Hours
12 pm - 5 pm
Sunday Hours
12 pm - 4 pm
Photography allowed
Handicapped Accessible
Fully wheelchair accessible