Visitors will be offered a guided tour of the Milwaukee Police side of the safety academy.

The building was the location for the Madonna High School, which was run by the sisters of the Sorrowful Mother. It opened in September 1965 at the height of enrollment in Catholic Education, but it was never financially healthy. It closed at the end of the 1971 academic year. The building was built for 800 girls, but enrollment was never above 300. The City of Milwaukee bought the building in 1972.  The building now houses the Milwaukee Police Department and Milwaukee Fire Department training academies.   Every current fire fighter and police officer has been trained in this building. There are currently 2 police recruit classes, one fire recruit and one fire cadet class training in the building.

There will be presentations on high-risk traffic stop presentation and tours of the building.

6680 N Teutonia Ave

Saturday Hours
10 am - 3 pm, last tour at 2 pm

Sunday Hours
Not Open


Handicapped Accessible
Fully wheelchair accessible


Photo Tour